Color Combinations To Avoid
The understanding of color and color theory is the key to good interior decoration. After all color is what transform a block of walls into a desired room. Color theory enables you to make the best out of a room in need of upliftment, by creating an understanding that color can visually increase or decrease the dimensions of a room. Bad color combinations can destroy the vibe of the entire house interior. Let’s take a look at some color combinations to avoid while decorating the interiors of your home.
Bright yellow is a very bright color and when used in a room with a lot of natural lighting can be very bad for your eyes. The brighter the color, the more the reflection of light, which can cause stimulation of the eyes at an excessive level. Yellow is the first color noticed by the human eye, so if you plan on using a bright yellow then use it on certain areas or a decorative piece only. A dying trend of using colors that creates a monochromatic effect should be highly avoided. For example, grey and beige is a combination that be very depressing. It creates a very dull atmosphere in the room and should be highly avoided. You can try using a mix of other colors along with them, which might bring a little bit of the bright side to the room. Try a refreshing grassy green, or try using reflective object in the area and see the difference they create. Choco brown and blue is another one of these dying trends. We recommend adding a third color to the mix like a hot pink or metallic color like silver and gold, which will definitely bring in a fabulous factor to the space. Pure white kitchens are also not a good option anymore. It was in fashion and it certainly does make the kitchen look clean, but it is just not in style anymore. The rustic combination of green, gold and red is also not in trend any more, they must not be used in the same proportion at least. In an activity area, red should be the dominating color out of the three, whereas in the bedroom or kitchen, a light green should be the dominant shade of the three. Dark grey and bottle green is another combination we advise you stay away from. The dark shade of the grey is depressive enough, adding the bottle green’s intensity will only intensify the way in which the dullness of this room will only be heightened. Avoid the drab combination of light blue and mauve, unless it has a third shade in the mix, say a coral white. This combination is just dead without the third shade and should be highly avoided
In the end it comes down to what is it that you want the room to represent. Try different combinations that contrast well and make the best out of the desired space.