Female House Painter
We are very excited to introduce one of our newest additions to The House Painters team.
Katie, contacted me back in May, with the desire to leave her full time job and explore what it would look like to work along side myself and our professional crew. With her passion for painting and her eye to detail, she is perfect for our company.
Over the years, we have had a few customers inquire to whether or not we had any female painters on staff. Even though we are bonded, licensed and insured, particular clients would prefer the assurance of having a female painter doing the job and in their home.
We completely understand where this is coming from. If you are a stay at home mom, or a young female homeowner, it makes sense that you would feel more comfortable with a woman coming in and out of your house than a man. While we do assure you our male painters are great men that can be trusted, sometimes it’s just nice to have that extra bit of comfort.
The House Painters strive to make sure that all of our clients are satisfied from start to finish. From the customer service to the contractors we hire. With that comes quality, peace of mind and comfort. Trust in the house painters with all your heart, because your home sweet home, is safe with us!
Book your next paint job with us, and you just might be meeting Katie!